Budgetting is one of the key aspects in finance management.At Bajeti we got you covered. Bajeti is an online budget assistance that helps with expense calculation.Bajeti is an interactive web application where where users get to key in their expected ammount to be spent and the expenses.The expenditure list is not restricted as you can add as expenses you want or need, then our application runs it for you and calculates the difference from the total expenditure and the expected ammount to be spent. When the diffenrence comes out with a negative value this means the expenditure is more than the expcted ammount to be spent this means the user as gone beyond/above the expected ammount to be spent and the user can delete or edit the expense section as to be at to not go beyond the expcted ammount to be spent.

For More Info Contact Bajeti Team

Susan Kathoni

Lorraine Wambiru

Daniel Wanina

Cyprian Nyakundi